Local area network is a one computer to another computer in a particular room or building. Local area network with the resources we can berbagipakai between a user's computer with another user. Moreover, it can also for the sharing (sharing) work documents with other users. We can open a file or document without having to sit in front of the computer where the document is saved. In a word with a local area network then it will accelerate the process of document exchange and increase the performance of a company.But with the local area network is also an opportunity for the occurrence of irregularities in the documents giving rise kerawaan share of the documents are confidential is opened by an unauthorized user. In this framework, windows system has provided the facility in order to protect data and information is not a deviation occurs. But whether or irregularities occurring and going back again to the user or administrator Could he be responsible towards his job.
LOGIN TO NETWORKLogin is the process undertaken to enter into the computer network. There are two kinds of first login If the computer is first turned on the first window that appears is the login window. The second is to change user login.Login steps:Turn on your computer and wait until the first login window appears.Click on the Guest login.Wait until the desktop window. If sidah up the login process was successful.CHANGING LOGINClick the Start button à logg off. confirmation will appear as follows:answer by pressing the Log Off button.Tunggulalh some time until a user list window.Click on the corresponding numbers on a computer log of each such WS01, WS02, WS03, and so on.Type "bismillah" in the password dialog box.You wait a while until the desktop window. If it appears the login process was successful.CONGRATULATIONS AND SUCCESS!THE MIRACLE NETWORKTo browse the computer networks we need a program with the name of the Windows Explorer. To open the program follow the steps below:Click the Start à All Programs à Accessories à Windows Explorer. In an instant the Windows Explorer window will pop up in front of you.Windows Explorer window is divided into two: the left pane displays a hierarchical arrangement of folders and the right side displays the contents of the folder or drive that is currently active.Look for and click the folder that contained my network places on the left window. It will display a list of folders or drives on the share.Click the plus sign located to the left of the entire network. It will appear below the sub folder Microsoft Windows Network.Click the plus sign located to the left of the Microsoft Windows Network. It will appear the domain or network group that is currently active labkom_elrahmA domain and the domain server.Click on the plus sign located to the left of the domain labkom_elrahma. It will display a list of currently active computers on the network for example, there ws01, ws02, ws03, and so on.click the plus sign located to the left of the WS (work station) that you want to visit. When the click then you will see a list of folders on the share. Of the folders, you can see its contents.
FILE SHARING AND FOLDERSIn order for the data folder and the document we are accessible from other computers, we have to do the sharing folder. Here is a way to share the folder:Find and select the folder which we will share located on drive d: \Click the menu File à Properties.click on the Sharing tab located at the top of the dialog box. Dialog box will appear as follows:click on the check box share this folder on the network.Type the name of the desired share in the share name listed below.Activate the check box "Allow network users to change my files"Click OK. You notice the shared folder icon will change to "shared folder".
Mapping NETWORK DRIVEMapping network drives is a way to create a virtual drvie sourced from other computers in the network. Suppose you see now that there is a drive on your computer is drive a: \, drive C: \, Drive D: \ and Drive E: \. We akanmenambahkan a new virtual drive as drive F: \. We can make more than one drive apping. Keuntubngan of mapping is that we will be faster to megakses a folder contained within our network and the folder will be considered as a drive on the computer in question.Here is how to map drive:Find and select the folder that will be mapped in the network. For example, there is a support file folder on the computer ws02.Right-click on the folder and select Map network drive menu .... Your note will display a dialog box like the following:click on the combo box name to name the drive. For example, F, G, H, and so on.Click the Finish button.
TURN SHARED FOLDERClick the folder that was shared on each computerClick the file menu >> properties.Enable the sharing tabUncheck the share and security dialog box as follows:click the OK button.
Mapping TURN NETWORK DRIVEFind and activate a mapped driveRight click on the drive and select menu tersebtu disconect.
About Me
- Yusuf Agung Nur Grahito
- Pernah bersekolah di SDN Begalon 2 Surakarta berlanjut ke SMP N 2 Grogol, Skh. Lalu ketika semester 3 pindah ke Banjarnegara, bersekolah si SMP N 2 Banjarnegara dikarenakan perintah orang tua. Dan saat semester ke 4 pindah lagi ke Solo dan bersekolah di SMP N 25 Surakarta. Sekitar tahun 2004/2005 lanjut ke SMK TP 2 Surakarta dan lulus pada tahun 2008. Mulai berkuliah di POLITEKNIK INDONUSA SURAKARTA pada tahun 2010. Minat saya hanya ingin bekerja dengan imajinasi saya, bukan dengan tenaga maupun berfikir hitung-hitungan yang ribet, hehe.. Saya ingin menjadi seorang desainer dan musisi.. :-D
Monday, May 21, 2012
Creating a Custom Header
8:56 PM
Let us move on to more advanced tricks again. This time we will add a facility to replace the image on the header. With this facility, users can define their own theme we want to use any image. Cool is not it?We can also determine the width and height of the header to fit the themes. Amazingly, it turns out the trick that we have themes custom header facility is very easy you know ..hehehe ... How the hell do I? Cekidot gan!There are two files that we are brain-tweaking here is functions.php and index.php file. At functions.php we add this code at the bottom:
define ('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', 900);define ('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 120);define ('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '000000 ');
add_custom_image_header ('', 'themegue_header_style');
themegue_header_style function () {echo '<style type="text/css"># Headimg {
height: 120px;
background: # cccccc;}# Name {
font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif;
font-size: 30px;}h1 a {
text-decoration: none;
}# Desc {
font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif;
font-size: 14px;}
</ Style> ';}
There are three sections in the above code. The first is define code that contains the values of the default blog header later.define ('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', 900);: determining the size of the width of the headerdefine ('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 120);: determining the size of the header heightdefine ('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '000000 ');: determines the color of text in the headerThen followed by the code to the declaration that we provide changing facilities theme header.add_custom_image_header ('', 'themegue_header_style');And last is the code we use to put style on admin pages later when user edit the image header.Once the codes are entered in the functions.php we specify the location of the header in index.php (remember, WP just robots who do not know anything if we ndak you know)Because we design theme is the background image we put style before the tag </ head>
<style type="text/css">
# Header {
background: url (<? php header_image ();?>);
. Blogtitle a,. Description {
color: <? php header_textcolor ();?>
</ Style>
You look at the code <? Php header_image ();?> Is the code to call the header images posted by the user.Now please deh try to get into wp-admin and click the Appearance menu - Header
define ('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', 900);define ('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 120);define ('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '000000 ');
add_custom_image_header ('', 'themegue_header_style');
themegue_header_style function () {echo '<style type="text/css"># Headimg {
height: 120px;
background: # cccccc;}# Name {
font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif;
font-size: 30px;}h1 a {
text-decoration: none;
}# Desc {
font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif;
font-size: 14px;}
</ Style> ';}
There are three sections in the above code. The first is define code that contains the values of the default blog header later.define ('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', 900);: determining the size of the width of the headerdefine ('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 120);: determining the size of the header heightdefine ('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '000000 ');: determines the color of text in the headerThen followed by the code to the declaration that we provide changing facilities theme header.add_custom_image_header ('', 'themegue_header_style');And last is the code we use to put style on admin pages later when user edit the image header.Once the codes are entered in the functions.php we specify the location of the header in index.php (remember, WP just robots who do not know anything if we ndak you know)Because we design theme is the background image we put style before the tag </ head>
<style type="text/css">
# Header {
background: url (<? php header_image ();?>);
. Blogtitle a,. Description {
color: <? php header_textcolor ();?>
</ Style>
You look at the code <? Php header_image ();?> Is the code to call the header images posted by the user.Now please deh try to get into wp-admin and click the Appearance menu - Header
How to Obtain Valid From Date Using PHP
8:55 PM
Using the calendar, we can know the day of a date. For example, on May 10, 2012 is aThursday. How do I find out the name day of a date using PHP program?
It is very easy by using the date function in php. Consider the example program belowphp
<? php
$ date = "2012-05-10";
$ day = date ('l', strtotime ($ date);
echo "$ date $ date is a day of days";
for example, on a day to be searched is dated May 10, 2012. I save this date into the variable $ date. The format must be 2012-05-10 (4 digit year, 2 digit month-on 2 digits)or can also use the Date Month Year (10 May 2012).
php date function is used to display the time. This function has the form
string date (string $ format [, int $ timestamp = time ()])
For the first parameter is mandatory, in the example program that I created above, useformat l (small L) which will display the name of a day in English (Sunday - Saturday). For the other formats can be viewed here. While for the second parameter, is optional, if notgiven, will use the current time on the server.
While the strtotime function to convert time into a Unix timestamp format.
The results of the program can be viewed here. Oiya's name was still in English, to switch to the Indonesian language, please try it yourself. Sometime I share again
It is very easy by using the date function in php. Consider the example program belowphp
<? php
$ date = "2012-05-10";
$ day = date ('l', strtotime ($ date);
echo "$ date $ date is a day of days";
for example, on a day to be searched is dated May 10, 2012. I save this date into the variable $ date. The format must be 2012-05-10 (4 digit year, 2 digit month-on 2 digits)or can also use the Date Month Year (10 May 2012).
php date function is used to display the time. This function has the form
string date (string $ format [, int $ timestamp = time ()])
For the first parameter is mandatory, in the example program that I created above, useformat l (small L) which will display the name of a day in English (Sunday - Saturday). For the other formats can be viewed here. While for the second parameter, is optional, if notgiven, will use the current time on the server.
While the strtotime function to convert time into a Unix timestamp format.
The results of the program can be viewed here. Oiya's name was still in English, to switch to the Indonesian language, please try it yourself. Sometime I share again
Tutorial on Photo Effects with Photoscape
8:53 PM
source: http://rachmatullah83.wordpress.com/2009/07/13/tutorial-membuat-efek-pada-foto-dengan-photoscape/
How to make an effect on the image can be done with Photo Editing applications such as Photoshop, GIMP and so on. Besides these applications, Photoscape fairly easy to use because of its simple. The effects of the resulting image is no less great. Here's how...
A. Open the application Photoscape, if not have to download here
2. Select the Editor
3. Next look for photos to be given effect in the browse field (containing the documentyou) in the upper left
4. After that move the photos to be given effect from left to right
5. All menus are available here pretty much, there is a unique frame, rotate, sharpen,filters, etc., depending on how we create and combine. Please try your own, for example,in the courtyard below. Important: if you do not fit with the effect shown can diUndo kok(bottom right), provided that prior to the Save ya ...
6. This menu boxnya as a reference to the examples below:
7. After giving effect finish, images can be saved by clicking Save >> Save as (in ordernot to change the original photo)
Here are examples of their effects:
a. Click on the triangle B, select the desired frame
b. Click on the triangle in C >> Antique Photo, choose as you wish, can set colorconvertionnya
c. Click on the triangle in C >> Lens Flare, determine its position, the amount of light, the thickness and length. If you want more than one, repeat again in this way.
d. Click on the triangle in C >> Make a Box, select the desired type
e. Click on the triangle in C >> Reflection. Size, level and perspective can be arranged.
Thus his ways, please try this Photoscape tutorial. Happy to be creative ...
How to make an effect on the image can be done with Photo Editing applications such as Photoshop, GIMP and so on. Besides these applications, Photoscape fairly easy to use because of its simple. The effects of the resulting image is no less great. Here's how...
A. Open the application Photoscape, if not have to download here
2. Select the Editor
3. Next look for photos to be given effect in the browse field (containing the documentyou) in the upper left
4. After that move the photos to be given effect from left to right
5. All menus are available here pretty much, there is a unique frame, rotate, sharpen,filters, etc., depending on how we create and combine. Please try your own, for example,in the courtyard below. Important: if you do not fit with the effect shown can diUndo kok(bottom right), provided that prior to the Save ya ...
6. This menu boxnya as a reference to the examples below:
7. After giving effect finish, images can be saved by clicking Save >> Save as (in ordernot to change the original photo)
Here are examples of their effects:
a. Click on the triangle B, select the desired frame
b. Click on the triangle in C >> Antique Photo, choose as you wish, can set colorconvertionnya
c. Click on the triangle in C >> Lens Flare, determine its position, the amount of light, the thickness and length. If you want more than one, repeat again in this way.
d. Click on the triangle in C >> Make a Box, select the desired type
e. Click on the triangle in C >> Reflection. Size, level and perspective can be arranged.
Thus his ways, please try this Photoscape tutorial. Happy to be creative ...
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