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Pernah bersekolah di SDN Begalon 2 Surakarta berlanjut ke SMP N 2 Grogol, Skh. Lalu ketika semester 3 pindah ke Banjarnegara, bersekolah si SMP N 2 Banjarnegara dikarenakan perintah orang tua. Dan saat semester ke 4 pindah lagi ke Solo dan bersekolah di SMP N 25 Surakarta. Sekitar tahun 2004/2005 lanjut ke SMK TP 2 Surakarta dan lulus pada tahun 2008. Mulai berkuliah di POLITEKNIK INDONUSA SURAKARTA pada tahun 2010. Minat saya hanya ingin bekerja dengan imajinasi saya, bukan dengan tenaga maupun berfikir hitung-hitungan yang ribet, hehe.. Saya ingin menjadi seorang desainer dan musisi.. :-D

Monday, May 21, 2012


Adolescents are defined as the transition from childhood to adulthood. Youth age limit varies according to local socio-cultural. Adolescents according to BKKBN is the population of men or women aged 10-19 years old and unmarried. Meanwhile, according to WHO is the population of men or women aged 15-24 years (BKKBN, 2003).Adolescence is the transition between childhood and adulthood, where there is a spur to grow, arise secondary sex characteristics, the achievement of fertility and psychological changes occur as well as cognitive (Soetjiningsih, 2004).Limitation of adolescents according to WHO:In the growth to adulthood, based on psychosocial and sexual maturity, all teens will pass as follows:a. Early adolescence / early (Early Adolescence) age 11-13 years.b. Middle adolescence (Middle Adolescence) aged 14 -16 years.c. Adolescence-up (Late Adolescence) age 17-20 years.(Soetjiningsih, 2004).

The characteristics of adolescent development.In a particular social environment, for adolescence is a time of obtaining the freedom of man. While women's adolescence is a time for the start of any form of restriction.According to the characteristics of development during adolescence is divided into three periods:1) Early Adolescence (10-12 years), His trademark:a) Get closer with peers.b) To Smokingc) More attention to her body and began to think abstractly.2) Middle Adolescence (13-15 years), his trademark:a) Looking for self-identity.b) The emergence of the desire for a date.c) Have a deep sense of loved) Develop the ability to think abstractly.e) Fantasy about sexual activity.3) Late Adolescence (16-19 years), his trademark:a) freedom of self-disclosure.b) More selective in finding peers.c) Have a physical self-image.d) It can realize the feeling of love.e) Able to think abstractly.(BKKBN, 2003)Pubertya. UnderstandingSome understanding of puberty are:According Prawirohardjo (1999: 127) puberty is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood.According Soetjiningsih (2004: 134) puberty is a period of change from immature to mature.According to Monks (2002: 263) puberty is puberty that is derived from the word meaning pubescere got pubes or pubic hair, which is a sign of secondary sex show sexual development.According to Root in Hurlock (2004) Puberty is a stage in development where there is sexual maturity instruments and reproductive capacity is reached.Physical ChangesDuring the rapid growth of puberty, occurs four important physical changes which the body's adult children: changes in body size, body proportions change, the development of primary sex characteristics and the development of secondary sex characteristics (Hurlock, 2004: 188).The primary changesSecondary changesThe primary changes at pubertyThe primary changes in puberty is decisive tanda-tanda/perubahan already begun to function optimally in the human reproductive organs.In males - gonads or testes are located in the scrotum, outside the body, at the age of 14 is only about 10% of mature size. And then there was rapid growth during the 1 or 2 years, after which growth decreased, the testes are fully developed at age 20 or 21 years. If the function of the organs of men are ripe, it usually begins a wet dream.In women - all women of reproductive organs to grow during puberty, although in different speed levels. Uterine weight of children aged 11 or 12 years ranged 5.3 grams, at the age of 16 the average weight of 43 grams. Fallopian tubes, the eggs, and the vagina is also growing rapidly at this time. The first hint that the mechanism of reproduction is a mature girl menstruation. (Hurlock, 2004: 210).b. Secondary changes at pubertySecondary changes during puberty are the changes that accompany changes in the primary as seen from the outside.1) In women: arms and legs grew longer; breast growth; grow fine hairs around the armpits and vagina; hips began to widen; hands and feet increase in size; facial bones begin to elongate and enlarge; vaginal discharge; increased sweating much; skin and oily hair starts; buttocks grow larger.2) In the male: the arms and legs grew longer; hands and feet increase in size; shoulders and chest getting bigger and membidang; muscles stronger; elongated and enlarged facial bones did not look like a kid again; grow Adam's apple; growing hairs in the armpit, around the face and around the genitals; penis and testicles enlarged; a great voice; increased sweating a lot; from oily skin and hair. (Sarlito, 2009: 1).c. Changes in Emotional / PsychologicalAdolescence is traditionally regarded as a period of "storm and Pressure", something which the period of heightened emotional tension as a result of physical changes and glands. Growth that occurs primarily complement the already established pattern in puberty. The heightened emotions mainly because boys and girls are under social pressure and deal with new conditions, while during childhood he was less prepared to deal with the circumstances (Hurlock, 2004: 212-213).Adolescence is a "storm and stress", the full stress because there are physical and biological changes as well as the changing demands of the environment and thus a process of adjustment of adolescents.Not all adolescents experience storm and stress period. However the true also when most teens experience instability from time to time as a consequence of the adjustment effort on new patterns of behavior and new social expectations. (Nurfajriyah, 2009: 1).Problems Teens and PubertyPuberty and How to Overcome ProblemsAdolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. At this time of difficulties and disputes often arise, one of the most common of which is a dispute between Children with Parents. This happens because the child is physiologically experience something new and disturbing him. The factors causing such disquiet among other activities at the age of puberty hormonal factors also emotional, psychological and social.Happens at the Time Period of Puberty1) Period of Depression:This period usually lasts about a week or more, but when the depression has been felt not fair anymore (going to drag on) this may be caused by anxiety or emotional difficulties. Usually a child who has covered nature (introvert) tend to experience depression is longer when compared with children who have an open nature (extrovert), because the child can not express what an introvert is actually at the root of anxiety and emotional problems to other people.2) Period of Anxiety:In this period Teens often be unusual, such as: irritable, aggressive, likes to grumble and rough or sometimes just the opposite happened: being childish and very dependent on parents.3) The period of fussiness:Generally during this period discovered in Young Women, for example in terms of choosing clothes, or choose foods. In this period there is the Young Women who perform "strict diet" to maintain the beauty of body and appearance, but there is also a fact do the opposite of more greedy and does not care to look.4) The period of disobedience:Teenagers often seemed to be disobedient to parents what the rules. As long as not violating the norms of Religion, Decency and also does not endanger the safety and health of themselves, parents should be able to act more wisely to allow the teenager so that he can take their own decisions and take responsibility for what he had done. This is in addition to the added confidence it also could teenager avoid contention (conflict) is prolonged between the child's parents.5) Period Want to be different:Teenagers have the most of this period, among others, could be seen from the way she dressed, style, language and much more.Long as it does not conflict with the norms of Religion, Decency and not harmful to the self-Teens, Parents should not have worried. They do this simply because it is in the stage of search for identity, and want to be well received as a member kelompoknya.Seiring with age, slowly it will go away by itself.Ways to Tackle Adolescent Issues PubertyParents should not discuss an issue with the way the attitude as if he was interrogated, or suggesting, as this will make the scared teenager to express what is felt and it will lead to increasing distance between the child's parents.Teens should invite them to speak from the heart and in a relaxed, there's nothing wrong even if the talks are also interspersed with the occasional mild joke.Create a democratic atmosphere in the household, where all family members can express their opinions, without having to feel embarrassed especially feared by other family members, especially to parents.Get used to the family to appreciate each other and respect the opinions of others, regardless of what sex and age.


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