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Pernah bersekolah di SDN Begalon 2 Surakarta berlanjut ke SMP N 2 Grogol, Skh. Lalu ketika semester 3 pindah ke Banjarnegara, bersekolah si SMP N 2 Banjarnegara dikarenakan perintah orang tua. Dan saat semester ke 4 pindah lagi ke Solo dan bersekolah di SMP N 25 Surakarta. Sekitar tahun 2004/2005 lanjut ke SMK TP 2 Surakarta dan lulus pada tahun 2008. Mulai berkuliah di POLITEKNIK INDONUSA SURAKARTA pada tahun 2010. Minat saya hanya ingin bekerja dengan imajinasi saya, bukan dengan tenaga maupun berfikir hitung-hitungan yang ribet, hehe.. Saya ingin menjadi seorang desainer dan musisi.. :-D

Monday, May 21, 2012


Earth is the only planet in the drift space occupied by living things along with its contents. Earth itself formed due to the big bang or a terrible pounding which is a process where there is a huge giant fog rotates on its axis after it went off the giant mist and lead dust and debris cloud. Dust and debris cloud that spread out into small star-shaped, while the amount of centered assembled to form a giant disc.Small part of the star-shaped so that condenses mmebentuk clumps of cold and solidified, then the clumps tersebun one of which is shaped planet earth.While the magnitude explode with devastating and mebentuk nebula, nebula, nebula, nebula is frozen and form a galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy name, then formed the solar system.Condition of the earth at the time of its formation is not the same as the current conditions. At the moment there is not yet in the earth's continents and oceans. But the Earth has differentiated. Heavy iron material will sink the larger species, while the lighter weight species will move to the surface. After that the earth experienced zonafikasi process, the stage where the earth is divided into several zones or layers, namely a solid iron core, the molten iron core, lower mantle, transition zone, the molten asthenosphere and lithosphere is composed of continental crust and oceanic crust.Earth layers arranged neatly from the hard outer portion and the deepest part of the liquid. Shape the earth's surface varies, ranging from land, sea, mountains, hills, lakes, valleys, and so forth. Earth as a planet that is included in the solar system in the universe is not silent as to what we thought all along, but do the rotation of the earth on its axis (rotation) and moves around the sun (revolution) as the center of the solar systemSolar SystemThe solar system is a collection of celestial bodies from the big bang forms the shape of stars. Flake out right into the planets and sun in the solar system, while large fragments collected dipusatnya will explode and form a nebula, nebulae and galaxies sekrang be called the Milky Way.There is a sun in the solar system at the center of the solar system. The sun surrounded by planets, there are eight planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Sartunus, Uranus, Neptune.These planets have different sizes and distances of the sun is also the most different planet nearest the sun are Mercury, Neptune, while the longest. The planets move from west to east except Venus and Uranus.The planets are not only them but also around the sun rotates on its axis. They can not produce its own light but reflects light from the solar center of the sun.Besides the sun and planets in the solar system there are a lot of celestial bodies, namely satellites, comets, asteroids, meteoroids
.SatellitesSatellites are celestial bodies that orbit the sun along with the object of this planet but also mengelinlingi planet. For example one month of satellite owned by the planet Earth.The moon around the earth and cause the earth to be changing day and night. In addition to the moon around the earth and the sun also rotates on porosya
.CometComets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun in a highly elliptical orbit. Comets consist of ice is very dense and its orbit is more elliptical than the orbit of the planet. Comet ejects glowing gas that can be seen from the earth but anya melihatnyatidak can be done by using the naked eye tetepi must use the telescope
AsteroidAsteroids are celestial bodies like planets. Asteroids are only among the planets Mars and Jupiter
.meteoroidsMeteoroids are small rocks and a lot of floating-floating in space. Meteoroids are celestial bodies that can be entered or fell memeasuki planet.These objects are also in conjunction with the planet around the sun. These objects orbit the sun without colliding with each other due to gravity and due to its orbit around the sun meraka respectively, orbitnyaa not circular but elliptical.


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